2uc4 4bb4t3: Wire coral goby
2uc4 4bb4t3: Banded tozeuma shrimp
2uc4 4bb4t3: Stiliger ornatus
2uc4 4bb4t3: Stiliger ornatus 🐑
2uc4 4bb4t3: Shaun the Sheep 🐑🐑🐑
2uc4 4bb4t3: Blue ringed octopus
2uc4 4bb4t3: Ringed favorinus
2uc4 4bb4t3: Flatworm
2uc4 4bb4t3: Blue coral banded shrimp
2uc4 4bb4t3: Bobtail squid
2uc4 4bb4t3: Armina semperi
2uc4 4bb4t3: Spotted moray
2uc4 4bb4t3: Cuttlefish
2uc4 4bb4t3: Harlequin shrimp
2uc4 4bb4t3: Juvenile clown frogfish
2uc4 4bb4t3: Bornella nudibranch
2uc4 4bb4t3: Colorful nudibranch
2uc4 4bb4t3: Glossodoris nudibranch
2uc4 4bb4t3: Bendstick pipefish
2uc4 4bb4t3: Pygmy seahorse
2uc4 4bb4t3: Bumpy mexichromis
2uc4 4bb4t3: yellowtail clownfish
2uc4 4bb4t3: Harlequin crab
2uc4 4bb4t3: Soft Coral Porcelain Crab
2uc4 4bb4t3: Donut nudibranch
2uc4 4bb4t3: Cheek to cheek
2uc4 4bb4t3: Hypselodoris
2uc4 4bb4t3: Spiny tiger shrimp
2uc4 4bb4t3: Harley