Abizeleth: “The earth laughs in flowers.”
Abizeleth: let the sunshine in
Abizeleth: more fall leaves
Abizeleth: resigned to bravery
Abizeleth: rainy day
Abizeleth: Sunshine on a cloudy day
Abizeleth: survived!
Abizeleth: SHINY!
Abizeleth: aspen leaves
Abizeleth: sunshine on a cloudy day
Abizeleth: retreat! retreat!
Abizeleth: bee food
Abizeleth: a place in the sun
Abizeleth: dewy morning
Abizeleth: golden chain tree
Abizeleth: sunshine in the city
Abizeleth: "beauty is a by-product..."
Abizeleth: Yellow Indian Paintbrush
Abizeleth: 9th Street Bridge
Abizeleth: sunny tulip
Abizeleth: Daisy with snail
Abizeleth: shagbark hickory
Abizeleth: butterfly fish
Abizeleth: sunshine
Abizeleth: clover
Abizeleth: look up!
Abizeleth: more tossing
Abizeleth: sunshine on a cloudy day
Abizeleth: Black-eyed Susans
Abizeleth: yellow glow