a bit of everything: Mt. Rainier Sunrise
a bit of everything: Mt. Rainier Sunrise
a bit of everything: Starry night over Shaniko Oregon
a bit of everything: Milky Way over living ghost town, Shaniko Oregon
a bit of everything: Living ghost town dusk, Shaniko Oregon.
a bit of everything: Reminder of a past era. Shaniko Oregon.
a bit of everything: Shaniko Oregon
a bit of everything: Milky Way over John Day Fossil Beds, National Monument.
a bit of everything: Milky Way over John Day Fossil Beds, National Monument.
a bit of everything: Rush Ranch windmill.
a bit of everything: Glowing outhouse, Rush Ranch
a bit of everything: Abandoned at Rush Ranch
a bit of everything: Tomales street scene at night.
a bit of everything: Milky Way over Bonasi Rock
a bit of everything: Milky Way over Bonasi Rock
a bit of everything: Bonasi Rock
a bit of everything: Jackson Square, New Orleans
a bit of everything: Street artist, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico
a bit of everything: God's light over the Pacific
a bit of everything: Sunrise, Arches National Park.Sunrise, Arches National Park
a bit of everything: Dawn, Arches National Park.Sunrise, Arches National Park
a bit of everything: Sunrise, Mesa Arch, Canyonlands National Park
a bit of everything: Mesa Arch sunrise, with setting crescent moon, Canyonlands National Park.
a bit of everything: Monument Valley Sunrise
a bit of everything: Mitten Pre Dawn Glow,