abigailmschilling: DSC04484.JPG
abigailmschilling: DSC04485.JPG
abigailmschilling: The sources of all my power
abigailmschilling: file folders keep me sane
abigailmschilling: mural on the ceiling
abigailmschilling: part of the lobby
abigailmschilling: love: it's in your hands
abigailmschilling: storm's a comin'
abigailmschilling: and we're back to the smog
abigailmschilling: visibility
abigailmschilling: roooooomies
abigailmschilling: baby jesus cleared the smog and gave us snow
abigailmschilling: miracle view
abigailmschilling: there is now a webcam at my desk
abigailmschilling: I love my job
abigailmschilling: The Dr. is in
abigailmschilling: just some lists as work
abigailmschilling: at least three days a week