Abhijith B.Rao: Pick your disese.
Abhijith B.Rao: Where there's a hill...
Abhijith B.Rao: Greenery
Abhijith B.Rao: Burnt grass
Abhijith B.Rao: More greenery.
Abhijith B.Rao: Pink turban
Abhijith B.Rao: Green dragon
Abhijith B.Rao: Enter to be Enlightened
Abhijith B.Rao: Jain Sun Temple
Abhijith B.Rao: Scultpures on the western side
Abhijith B.Rao: More sculptures
Abhijith B.Rao: 48,000 sq ft!
Abhijith B.Rao: Rear view
Abhijith B.Rao: Hey Jonesy, you still around?
Abhijith B.Rao: Jain Sun Temple
Abhijith B.Rao: Roof at the entrance
Abhijith B.Rao: Pillars!
Abhijith B.Rao: Each pillar is different
Abhijith B.Rao: Another roof.
Abhijith B.Rao: Intricate!
Abhijith B.Rao: Ghat sections
Abhijith B.Rao: Welcoming!
Abhijith B.Rao: Water wheel
Abhijith B.Rao: Stoned.
Abhijith B.Rao: DSC_0114 copy
Abhijith B.Rao: Khumbalgadh!
Abhijith B.Rao: Huge bastions
Abhijith B.Rao: Impressive
Abhijith B.Rao: Temple
Abhijith B.Rao: In the distance