ABC Open FNQ: Entrance reflection
ABC Open FNQ: David Elliot surveying his work
ABC Open FNQ: Man and machinery
ABC Open FNQ: Back to Longreach
ABC Open FNQ: Looking green
ABC Open FNQ: A famous Winton 'institution'
ABC Open FNQ: Simpson Desert
ABC Open FNQ: Waltzing Matilda Centre
ABC Open FNQ: Exhibits
ABC Open FNQ: The romance of the swag
ABC Open FNQ: Well loved akubra
ABC Open FNQ: The swagman and his billabong at the Waltzing Matilda Centre in Winton
ABC Open FNQ: Coming down from the Winton jump up
ABC Open FNQ: David Elliott, one of the key drivers behind Australian Age of Dinosaurs museum's 'stage 2' construction
ABC Open FNQ: David's reflection
ABC Open FNQ: ABC Mornings presenter, Helen Shield in aciton
ABC Open FNQ: The new Age of Dinosaurs exhibition to be opened in April
ABC Open FNQ: Cut by hand
ABC Open FNQ: Building the new exhibition space
ABC Open FNQ: Reflection
ABC Open FNQ: Trish from Age of Dinosaurs
ABC Open FNQ: Dinosaur bones in the lab
ABC Open FNQ: Alice working on a piece found on a dig
ABC Open FNQ: Puzzle pieces
ABC Open FNQ: Piecing it all together
ABC Open FNQ: Snaps from the digs
ABC Open FNQ: Amazing finds around Winton
ABC Open FNQ: Age of Dinosaurs shed with bones in plaster cast
ABC Open FNQ: Looking out onto a hot day
ABC Open FNQ: Critter