ABC Open South East NSW: Froggers Cici, Penny and Suzzanne
ABC Open South East NSW: Bioblitz organiser Libby Hepburn and Dr John La Salle, director of the Atlas of Living Australia
ABC Open South East NSW: Reference books to help identify sightings
ABC Open South East NSW: A busy timetable of surveys
ABC Open South East NSW: Volunteers log sightings
ABC Open South East NSW: Carly McTavish interviews Dr John La Salle
ABC Open South East NSW: Carly recording nocturnal fauna and bird calls that are played back during the night surveys
ABC Open South East NSW: Hair trap - using sticky paper to catch marsupial hair
ABC Open South East NSW: The tools of the nocturnal wildlife spotter
ABC Open South East NSW: Spotlighting field survey sheet
ABC Open South East NSW: Carly McTavish records pre-survey briefing by Andrew Morrison
ABC Open South East NSW: Long swamp, Bermagui
ABC Open South East NSW: Long swamp, Bermagui 2
ABC Open South East NSW: Gearing up for the frog survey
ABC Open South East NSW: Penny with mp3 player and loudhailer to play frog calls
ABC Open South East NSW: Small mammals survey sheet
ABC Open South East NSW: Entering Long Swamp reserve
ABC Open South East NSW: Entering Long Swamp reserve 2
ABC Open South East NSW: Entering Long Swamp reserve 3
ABC Open South East NSW: Into the wild 2
ABC Open South East NSW: Into the wild 3
ABC Open South East NSW: Settling in for the survey
ABC Open South East NSW: Settling in for the survey 2
ABC Open South East NSW: Froggers absorbed in their work
ABC Open South East NSW: Pretty as a picture