ABC Open Sunraysia: Click go the shears boy, click, click, click!
ABC Open Sunraysia: The fleece
ABC Open Sunraysia: Taking the wool off one clip at a time
ABC Open Sunraysia: Shearing these sheep
ABC Open Sunraysia: Concentrating on getting the wool off without hurting the sheep
ABC Open Sunraysia: A mini cowboy
ABC Open Sunraysia: The judge watches every snip
ABC Open Sunraysia: Sheep Shearing
ABC Open Sunraysia: He's last off the mark...
ABC Open Sunraysia: Rouseabout
ABC Open Sunraysia: Is that you Shaun?
ABC Open Sunraysia: You can tell that he's done this before
ABC Open Sunraysia: Best in Show - Wool
ABC Open Sunraysia: Boot Competition - Two Men in a Tinny
ABC Open Sunraysia: Boot Competition - The Wedding of Will and Kate
ABC Open Sunraysia: Winner of the Most Well Worn Hat
ABC Open Sunraysia: The Bull Man and his bulls
ABC Open Sunraysia: The Bull Man
ABC Open Sunraysia: Nice day for a sheep dog trial
ABC Open Sunraysia: Bring 'em here
ABC Open Sunraysia: Push 'em through
ABC Open Sunraysia: Round 'em up
ABC Open Sunraysia: The Sheep Trials begin
ABC Open Sunraysia: Sheep v Kelpie