ABC News: Hobart through a porthole
ABC News: Strange sea creatures
ABC News: The Aurora Australis
ABC News: Rope
ABC News: In Mawson's Footsteps team
ABC News: Delphine Dissard on board the Aurora Australis
ABC News: Penguins on an iceberg
ABC News: Iceberg
ABC News: Icebergs
ABC News: Icebergs
ABC News: Icebergs
ABC News: Crossing the Antarctic Circle
ABC News: Crossing the Antarctic Circle
ABC News: Crossing the Antarctic Circle
ABC News: Crossing the Antarctic Circle
ABC News: RAN researchers
ABC News: Penguins
ABC News: Penguins
ABC News: Aurora Australis and ice
ABC News: Penguins
ABC News: CSIRO team in Antarctica
ABC News: Leaping penguin
ABC News: Penguin gang approaches
ABC News: When penguins attack
ABC News: ABC crew in Antarctica
ABC News: Antarctic panorama
ABC News: Mawson's Hut
ABC News: Mawson's Hut
ABC News: Mawson's Hut
ABC News: Mawson's Huts: then and now