ABC News: Bachmann's bus
ABC News: Bachmann volunteers
ABC News: Out of business
ABC News: Rick Santorum supporters
ABC News: Rick Santorum
ABC News: Rick Santorum
ABC News: Corn farmer Dave Martz
ABC News: Des Moines
ABC News: Mitt and Ann Romney
ABC News: Romney campaigns in Iowa
ABC News: Signs at Romney's Iowa HQ
ABC News: Locals attend Iowa caucus night
ABC News: Locals attend Iowa caucus night
ABC News: Locals attend Iowa caucus night
ABC News: Locals attend Iowa caucus night
ABC News: Huntsman 2012 campaign manager Matt David
ABC News: Newt Gingrich
ABC News: Newt Gingrich
ABC News: Newt Gingrich
ABC News: New Hampshire
ABC News: New Hampshire
ABC News: Ron Paul supporter
ABC News: Occupy protesters
ABC News: Occupy protesters
ABC News: Mitt Romney supporters on NH primary day
ABC News: A Mitt Romney supporter on NH primary day
ABC News: Ron Paul supporters on NH primary day
ABC News: Ron Paul supporters on NH primary day
ABC News: Voting in the NH primary