abchris: Selection of batts of Navajo churro wool, always left natural color
abchris: Navajo churro sheep colors
abchris: Three layers of wool, each a different direction, with designs added
abchris: Two table runners, laid out on the felting machine
abchris: More layers, with a wool thread design
abchris: Two table runners, ready for next step.
abchris: Hot water is poured on, flattening the wool. You can really see the design.
abchris: More water, until the wool is saturated.
abchris: Once it's evenly saturated, the top is closed, further flattening the wool.
abchris: The heavy plates are secured together.
abchris: Felting machine, ready to felt.
abchris: Only the bottom plate moves, gently vibrating the wool.
abchris: While the felting machine does its job, Chief gets a treat and a brushing.
abchris: After the first pass of the felting machine.
abchris: Each runner is flipped over.
abchris: The felt is fragile, and carefully handled as it is flipped over.
abchris: Flipping in process.
abchris: After flipping, smoothed into place ready for next felting step.
abchris: More hot water.
abchris: After second round on felt machine, ready for next step.
abchris: Runner is rolled up with a towel to absorb water.
abchris: Water is gently pressed out.
abchris: Runner is rolled out onto a sheet of bubble wrap.
abchris: The bubble wrap gives the runner a nubby texture.
abchris: More hot water!
abchris: Rolled up with a pool noodle.
abchris: This machine rolls and rolls for more felting and enhances the texture of the bubble wrap.
abchris: Unrolled, ready for drying.
abchris: Hanging outside for drying.
abchris: Both sides are different.