abbylou007: the sight and sounds still get me, every year
abbylou007: heh heh
abbylou007: i'll unload you
abbylou007: (ref)reshme(nts)
abbylou007: where to start?
abbylou007: started
abbylou007: i snuck up on James as he was paying to take our myspace photo...i'm wacky like that!
abbylou007: happy birthday liz!!
abbylou007: garbage can junk food eating team number one
abbylou007: garbage can junk food eating team number two
abbylou007: obligatory hot dog photo (seriously, ask me about it)
abbylou007: thunderbolt (mostly everyone)
abbylou007: blurry smiles
abbylou007: the rest of everyone
abbylou007: bavarian swings
abbylou007: my favorite ride
abbylou007: and we're off
abbylou007: "look forward when having zee fun"
abbylou007: "your smiles have reached capacity"
abbylou007: "the enjoyment climax has been achieved. please now return to zee place of work"
abbylou007: a boyfriend in repose
abbylou007: pretty
abbylou007: prettier
abbylou007: prettiest
abbylou007: we love Liz
abbylou007: ...also, we are more a softball team than a group of friends. good lord.
abbylou007: sometimes you *really* want ice cream
abbylou007: hopefully that day is your birthday.