Abby Lanes:
Reflections of a Mamarazzi
Abby Lanes:
December Diary 2009... 12/2/09
Abby Lanes:
December Diary - December 6, 2009 ~ Reflections of Dexter
Abby Lanes:
"A tule fog fills the sky -- Yuletide. " - Michael P. Garofalo, Cuttings
Abby Lanes:
In the Shadows
Abby Lanes:
“In a drear-nighted December, / Too happy, happy tree, / Thy branches ne'er remember / Their green felicity.” ~ John Keats
Abby Lanes:
Each cup of tea represents an imaginary voyage. ~Catherine Douzel
Abby Lanes:
"I have often thought, it happens very well that Christmas should fall out in the Middle of Winter." - Joseph Addison
Abby Lanes:
December Diary 2009 - reflections in a ladybug