Abby Lanes: A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes
Abby Lanes: "I had to go back to that house... to see if the camellias were in bloom." ~ Lucinda Williams
Abby Lanes: Tint of pink
Abby Lanes: Pacific View
Abby Lanes: “A friend is one with whom you are comfortable, to whom you are loyal, through whom you are blessed, and for whom you are grateful.”
Abby Lanes: "At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet." ~ Plato
Abby Lanes: “The heart has reasons that reason does not understand.” ~ Jacques Benigne Bossuel
Abby Lanes: I'm dreaming of a Pink Christmas...
Abby Lanes: 'Just living is not enough,' said the butterfly. 'One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower.' ~ Hans Christian Andersen
Abby Lanes: David Austin Rose
Abby Lanes: “Pink is the color of romance and a friend tells me that the girl with the pink dress at the party is the one who is selected for each dance” ~ Alfred Carl Hottes
Abby Lanes: Perfectly Imperfect
Abby Lanes: Mickey Mouse-keh
Abby Lanes: “I want my children to have all the things I couldn't afford. Then I want to move in with them.” ~ Phyllis Diller
Abby Lanes: tickle tickle
Abby Lanes: How to dress for Pretty Pink Tuesday ~ Tutu Week
Abby Lanes: Love Bugs
Abby Lanes: "You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don't try."
Abby Lanes: Fancy Nancy says "Tiara"
Abby Lanes: Pierre de Ronsard Rose
Abby Lanes: Pretty Pink Tuesday Party ~ Makeup & Clothes
Abby Lanes: “Pink is the color of romance and a friend tells me that the girl with the pink dress at the party is the one who is selected for each dance” ~ Alfred Carl Hottes
Abby Lanes: It is easier to get forgiveness than permission.
Abby Lanes: The Rose
Abby Lanes: A camellia from my garden for Artist Stephen B. Whatley
Abby Lanes: Snappy Snapdragons for my good friend Daiseedeb
Abby Lanes: Cosmos
Abby Lanes: Pretty Pink Roses
Abby Lanes: Ahhhhhh... flowers and sunshine!
Abby Lanes: The iDog