abbydid: My Parade Companions
abbydid: May I introduce to you Bored and Surly? Delightful, these two. Grrrrrr.
abbydid: Giant Toilet Paper Roll
abbydid: Lawnchair Ladies
abbydid: Chicken Lays an Egg
abbydid: Men in kilts. Thumbs up.
abbydid: Say Anything Girl
abbydid: Pondering Plato
abbydid: Hottest Man in a Kilt Award goes to this dude.
abbydid: Hooray for kids in homemade butterfly costumes!
abbydid: Northside is a little bit liberal.
abbydid: I don't recall what this is about, but the cans are pretty cool.
abbydid: Legs that go on for miles.
abbydid: Favorite drill team.
abbydid: Most Patriotic Dog Award
abbydid: Dogs!
abbydid: Northsiders dig their bikes.
abbydid: This looks uncomfortable and also very cool.
abbydid: Best of the Bikes Award
abbydid: Delightful Day of the Dead Procession
abbydid: Bathtub. And a bench. On wheels.
abbydid: Bass dude.
abbydid: Take the Cake
abbydid: Patriotism!
abbydid: Steampunk Uncle Sam
abbydid: Funky Puppet Guy - mating dance?
abbydid: Peace, baby.
abbydid: Street Vibes
abbydid: Kitty Cats
abbydid: Belly Dancing!