abbobbotho: Happy cat
abbobbotho: City Bowling
abbobbotho: India Venster
abbobbotho: Nice view, eh
abbobbotho: Plattekilp staircase
abbobbotho: So sharp
abbobbotho: Cafe Coffee Day
abbobbotho: Friendly cat
abbobbotho: Cape Town lavender
abbobbotho: Hout baying
abbobbotho: Nice light
abbobbotho: Cape Mountains
abbobbotho: Cabin
abbobbotho: Cape sunset
abbobbotho: Sunset a la Bain's
abbobbotho: Strange light at the end of the day
abbobbotho: Sophie, the giraffie
abbobbotho: Bubble bug: antelope
abbobbotho: Bubble bug: tortoise
abbobbotho: Bubble bug: ostrich
abbobbotho: Bubble bug: JZ
abbobbotho: Kids pile on Jan Smuts as we wait for the Kaapse Klopse