abbobbotho: Proof
abbobbotho: Morning and waiting
abbobbotho: Kisha explains, Matt listens
abbobbotho: "Do you wanna go spend $20 to help James advertise DVD and TV sales?"
abbobbotho: Rungano
abbobbotho: Mahen and Sharifa
abbobbotho: Daouda, and more proof
abbobbotho: Kisha at Il Buco
abbobbotho: Sharifa
abbobbotho: Matt contemplates where to ply us with liquor
abbobbotho: Matt contemplates his fate, in the rain
abbobbotho: Wwwiiindy
abbobbotho: Low-light #1
abbobbotho: Low-light #2
abbobbotho: Low-light #3
abbobbotho: Matt surrounded by photographers (and Matts)
abbobbotho: Daouda displays his best gallic skepticism on the subway home ...
abbobbotho: ... but he knows the way (!)
abbobbotho: Matt, subway
abbobbotho: Daouda, strange framing
abbobbotho: Subway chats
abbobbotho: Clarence and Mahen's place
abbobbotho: The ginger punch begins to have effect
abbobbotho: At Mahen's
abbobbotho: Matt gets interviewed ...
abbobbotho: ... while Rungano tries to remember her favourite filmmakers
abbobbotho: Avenue Q will do that to you, part I
abbobbotho: Avenue Q will do that to you, part II