Ab Aberson: Sophietje wants some action.
Ab Aberson: Is it the spring what I feel?
Ab Aberson: The fox returned to his lair.
Ab Aberson: And now we wait...
Ab Aberson: The nice gift of the sun warmth and light.
Ab Aberson: The sky in January.
Ab Aberson: Uit de boom gevallen.
Ab Aberson: Autumn in January.
Ab Aberson: Every day the beautiful always changing sky.
Ab Aberson: Sunday-afternoon.
Ab Aberson: In the morning-sun.
Ab Aberson: Sperwer (Accipiter nisus)
Ab Aberson: With a delicious fragrance.
Ab Aberson: What you see with your eyes.
Ab Aberson: Geese
Ab Aberson: Frozen water in a spidersweb.
Ab Aberson: Green fitness.
Ab Aberson: The ponies are sleeping.
Ab Aberson: Grey Sunday.