elladog: Entering The Exhibit Hall
elladog: Entering Exhibit Hall 2
elladog: Young Activist (Dave-AnnaMaria has her name)
elladog: Senior Activist
elladog: Listening To Kucinich
elladog: Barack Obama
elladog: Indeed
elladog: Supporter
elladog: Veteran For Peace With The International Distress Symbol (Dave-Justin has his name)
elladog: Richardson Supporters
elladog: Activists And A Journalist
elladog: Signing The Message Scroll
elladog: Message Scroll
elladog: Bestgesture Taking A Moment
elladog: The Floor
elladog: Charlie Brown
elladog: Dennis and Elizabeth Kucinich, 2
elladog: Dennis and Elizabeth Kucinich, 3
elladog: Justin and Kucinich
elladog: Kucinich
elladog: Obama Supporters and a Journalist
elladog: Obama Supporter (Dave-Justin has his name)
elladog: The Coronation of Hillary
elladog: Journalists Working
elladog: My Boy!
elladog: What's Wrong With This Picture...?
elladog: Look Closely
elladog: Do YOU Know What It Is?
elladog: Activist (Dave-Justin has her name)
elladog: Young Kucinich Supporter