elladog: Day Fifteen Reject- Ode To Amanda B.
elladog: I Force Myself Upon Her Once Again
elladog: Vera's Side Kick Is Thinking More Tropical Thoughts
elladog: Vera Wang Readies For The Tundra
elladog: Eyes
elladog: Everybody On The Floor!
elladog: Tired Threesome
elladog: Where I Sing To Her Until She's Ready For Her Own Space
elladog: Climbing Wall
elladog: Emergency Exit Only (Alarm Will Sound)
elladog: Don't Drink And Post--Causes Post-Processing Inconsistencies
elladog: Imagining
elladog: Butterfly and Fire
elladog: Getting Used To My New Uniform
elladog: Henry Miller
elladog: Going To "School"
elladog: Blue Gate
elladog: LoveHound
elladog: Temptation