aarontait: WWDC08 Window
aarontait: Do Not Block Howard
aarontait: WWDC08 Banners
aarontait: WWDC08 Banner
aarontait: Going up to the 2nd Floor
aarontait: Our Mouths Were Watering
aarontait: Going Up
aarontait: This is rather meta
aarontait: Up to the 2nd Floor
aarontait: Herding Developers
aarontait: Going up the Escalators to the 3rd Floor for the Keynote
aarontait: Getting Ready for the Stevenote
aarontait: Intense Steven
aarontait: His Steveness
aarontait: The Stage After the Keynote
aarontait: Going up Again
aarontait: Going up the 3rd Floor
aarontait: Lining up for Escalators
aarontait: Guarding the Stairs
aarontait: Heading out from the Keynote
aarontait: Peaople
aarontait: The Stage
aarontait: The Press
aarontait: Apple Logo on Screen
aarontait: Bag, Badge, and T-Shirt
aarontait: Looking Back at Line
aarontait: Going Up Escalators
aarontait: View From line at WWDC
aarontait: Covered Sign at WWDC
aarontait: WWDC Day 1 Recap