S.Vegas: Screen shot 2010-03-12 at 14.27.23
S.Vegas: Screen shot 2010-03-13 at 11.07.06
S.Vegas: V-TARP press from Inspire Collective (2nd)
S.Vegas: V-TARP press from Animal New York
S.Vegas: Shot featured on Beyond Robson
S.Vegas: Press from Public Ad Campaign
S.Vegas: Shots featured on Unurth
S.Vegas: Shot featured on Unurth
S.Vegas: Beyond Robson: The Orr report March 19th 2010
S.Vegas: Adbusters V-TARP feature
S.Vegas: VNA magasine issue 11
S.Vegas: LSD issue 4
S.Vegas: Beyond Robson: Gaschild, photo of the day, April 29th 2010
S.Vegas: i heart painting on Indigo
S.Vegas: Michaelkwan.com coverage on V-TARP
S.Vegas: Miss604 coverage on V-TARP
S.Vegas: Urbanartcore on Paint your faith