Ron and Co.: Impressions of a boy at play
Ron and Co.: The young nemophilist
Ron and Co.: Into the unknown
Ron and Co.: Little festive angel
Ron and Co.: It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
Ron and Co.: The mud kitchen
Ron and Co.: Preparing for kindergarten
Ron and Co.: Snack break
Ron and Co.: Happy!
Ron and Co.: The forager
Ron and Co.: The explorer
Ron and Co.: Young naturalist (photographer's companion)
Ron and Co.: In the eye of my son
Ron and Co.: Hair grows like late summer grass
Ron and Co.: A year and two months
Ron and Co.: In Memoriam, 1955-2015
Ron and Co.: Mother and son
Ron and Co.: Holding us, together: holding us together
Ron and Co.: Taking it all in
Ron and Co.: All that matters
Ron and Co.: Pure love
Ron and Co.: First Mother's Day
Ron and Co.: My boy