aaronmoller: Ridiculous rain and the sun is shining?!
aaronmoller: Firebird
aaronmoller: Waterway.
aaronmoller: Trying out iTunes Radio. Hair Metal is a station, so I know I'm going to like it.
aaronmoller: Olivia enjoyed the ice cream a bit too much!
aaronmoller: The sky is on fire right now. #sunset #snapseed
aaronmoller: Jess and I at The Optimist in ATL. Server recognized my tie from @thetiebar.
aaronmoller: Shadow
aaronmoller: Rain on leaves on trees
aaronmoller: Good night
aaronmoller: Brunch!
aaronmoller: Skylight
aaronmoller: Iced latte
aaronmoller: Chocolate chip
aaronmoller: Hot diggity dog!
aaronmoller: Getting fancy in here.
aaronmoller: Fully stocked fridge when we arrived.
aaronmoller: Trying out some filters
aaronmoller: "It's so pretty I don't want to eat it" @calebmcd
aaronmoller: Jess ruining her dinner.
aaronmoller: You gonna eat that whole dozen by yourself?
aaronmoller: Sailboat
aaronmoller: Definitely a @fender girl