*Pete: IMG_2492
*Pete: IMG_2493
*Pete: IMG_2494
*Pete: Barney the Barn Owl
*Pete: Owl
*Pete: Barney the Barn Owl
*Pete: Owl
*Pete: Harris Hawk
*Pete: IMG_2502
*Pete: IMG_2563
*Pete: IMG_2564
*Pete: IMG_2565
*Pete: IMG_2497_coloured
*Pete: IMG_2493_cropped
*Pete: IMG_2498_cropped
*Pete: IMG_2500_cropped
*Pete: IMG_2502_cropped
*Pete: View from the Falconry Centre
*Pete: The Falconry Centre
*Pete: Ingleborough from the centre
*Pete: Ingleborough from the centre
*Pete: Dinner time for Barney
*Pete: Dinner time for Barney
*Pete: IMG_2514
*Pete: Close up of Barney
*Pete: IMG_2512
*Pete: IMG_2524
*Pete: IMG_2529
*Pete: IMG_2534
*Pete: IMG_2537