vegasshooter: Stan, Brent, Chris
vegasshooter: Stan & Brent Shredding
vegasshooter: Toby Schredding
vegasshooter: The Chimp Shredding
vegasshooter: Stan Gonzales Shredding Even Harder
vegasshooter: Stan and Brent Shredding Again
vegasshooter: Cory Shredding
vegasshooter: Whiskey Chimp Still Shredding
vegasshooter: Toby Ready To Shred
vegasshooter: The Chimp Tearing It Up
vegasshooter: Stan and Brent wanting to shred more
vegasshooter: Brent and Chris
vegasshooter: Stan and Brent
vegasshooter: Brent and Cory
vegasshooter: Brent and Stan
vegasshooter: More shredding
vegasshooter: Even more shredding
vegasshooter: Mark schredding
vegasshooter: Cory The Rockstar
vegasshooter: Chris is starting to shred
vegasshooter: The Chimp
vegasshooter: Cory and Bretn Shred some more
vegasshooter: DSC_0243
vegasshooter: Shall we shred?
vegasshooter: Bill and Mark
vegasshooter: Chris Thinking about Schredding
vegasshooter: The Chimp Starts to Shred
vegasshooter: Stan Gonzales
vegasshooter: Stan Gonzales Shredding Hard
vegasshooter: Cory and Brent Together again