aallan: A pair of Arduinos
aallan: Arduino Diecimila
aallan: Arduino Diecimila
aallan: H-Bridge controlling DC motor
aallan: H-Bridge controlling a DC Motor
aallan: Local and remote control of a motor
aallan: Sensors and controllers
aallan: Arduino and Ultrasonic Range Finder
aallan: Arduino, Sensor and Processing
aallan: Arduino Web Server
aallan: Self-contained Web Server
aallan: Working helicopter (mostly)
aallan: Arduino Nunchucks
aallan: Ardunio Nunchucks
aallan: New Toys
aallan: XBee hacking
aallan: XBee hacking
aallan: Sonar measurements
aallan: On the night at IYA
aallan: Processing
aallan: The Arduino Stack
aallan: Arduino and EZ1 via XBee
aallan: Arduino Micro-controller
aallan: Blimps
aallan: Playing with Arduinos
aallan: My desk
aallan: The finished t-shirt
aallan: LilyPad Hacking
aallan: LilyPad Pro Kit
aallan: The RFID kit