AA9UC: Blurred Flowers
AA9UC: Nancy's Favorite
AA9UC: Judy's Yellow Rose
AA9UC: Gentle Rain
AA9UC: Nancy's Favorite
AA9UC: Spring 2006
AA9UC: PineCones
AA9UC: Home grown
AA9UC: Maple
AA9UC: Judy's hibiscus
AA9UC: Hibiscus detail
AA9UC: Hibiscus
AA9UC: Clematis
AA9UC: Nadine 001
AA9UC: Nadine 006
AA9UC: Nadine 004
AA9UC: Nadine 003
AA9UC: Nadine 002
AA9UC: First rose of 2012
AA9UC: Nadine and her Azaleas 2
AA9UC: Nadine and her Azaleas
AA9UC: Nadine's peonies
AA9UC: Venus and Jupiter
AA9UC: Silver Spotted Skipper on Verbena
AA9UC: Hummingbird
AA9UC: Hummingbird
AA9UC: Knife valve
AA9UC: Sunflower 0721
AA9UC: Hibiscus 0721
AA9UC: American Goldfinch