aa440: Flying into Pittsburgh
aa440: On the way to SFO
aa440: On the way to SFO
aa440: IMG_0897
aa440: Pearson airport from the air
aa440: Vancouver suburbs from the air
aa440: Popcorn clouds
aa440: Lake Huron Sunset
aa440: IMG_0023
aa440: IMG_0024
aa440: Crater Lake from the air
aa440: On the way to DCA
aa440: On the way to DCA
aa440: Miami from the air
aa440: Manhattan from the Air
aa440: IMG_0704
aa440: IMG_0703
aa440: IMG_0699
aa440: IMG_0695
aa440: IMG_0694
aa440: IMG_0046
aa440: Redeye
aa440: IMG_0207
aa440: IMG_0208
aa440: IMG_0209
aa440: Toronto west end from the air
aa440: Downtown Toronto from the air
aa440: IMG_0702
aa440: IMG_0703
aa440: IMG_0704