ylc_elaine: Hong Kong Yogathon 2009
ylc_elaine: They are doing Ardha Chaturanga in Dandasana (Plank pose)
ylc_elaine: They are doing Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog)
ylc_elaine: The asana may be a bit hard for this lady !
ylc_elaine: Masters from Planet Yoga
ylc_elaine: Masters from Planet Yoga
ylc_elaine: They led the class very well in term of atmosphere
ylc_elaine: They are doing Utthita Trikonasana
ylc_elaine: The strenght of his arms is very good
ylc_elaine: Show time (performed by masters of Planet Yoga)
ylc_elaine: When I am able to do these asanas ?
ylc_elaine: P1000904
ylc_elaine: The asana that requires the strength of your core muscle and arms
ylc_elaine: The asana that requires the strenght of your core muscle
ylc_elaine: Show time (performed by a master of Yoga Yoga)
ylc_elaine: Show time (performed by a master of Yoga Yoga)
ylc_elaine: Show time (performed by a master of Yoga Yoga)
ylc_elaine: Show time (performed by a master of Yoga Yoga)
ylc_elaine: Show time (performed by a master of Yoga Yoga)
ylc_elaine: Show time (performed by Yoga Yoga)
ylc_elaine: Show time (performed by Yoga Yoga)
ylc_elaine: Show time (performed by Yoga Yoga)
ylc_elaine: Show time (performed by Yoga Yoga)
ylc_elaine: Show time (performed by a famous dancer in Latin dance and his students)
ylc_elaine: Energy bars that were free to take in the event, I took 8 totally !
ylc_elaine: We were given a booklet in the event, I found the words that printed on the back of it were quite meaningful
ylc_elaine: Free gift (an environmental friendly bag)