A. Stuckert:
Heliconius charithonia
A. Stuckert:
Red saddleback
A. Stuckert:
Gulf Fritillary
A. Stuckert:
Gulf Fritillary
A. Stuckert:
A. Stuckert:
A. Stuckert:
Cloud of mosquitoes + photography = this
A. Stuckert:
Clearwing butterflies copulating
A. Stuckert:
A. Stuckert:
Clear winged butterfly
A. Stuckert:
A. Stuckert:
You say fungus, I say nom nom nom
A. Stuckert:
A. Stuckert:
An unusual eye
A. Stuckert:
Gulf Fritillary
A. Stuckert:
Dragonfly beauty
A. Stuckert:
A. Stuckert:
Wing shadows
A. Stuckert:
Dragonfly Dew
A. Stuckert:
A cute ant!
A. Stuckert:
The eyes have it
A. Stuckert:
Pleasing fungus beetle
A. Stuckert:
A. Stuckert:
Howie the Weevil
A. Stuckert:
Leggy leaf
A. Stuckert:
Ooooh shiny
A. Stuckert:
The hidden eye
A. Stuckert:
Metallic woodboring beetle