alg24: Abundant reedmace (P1030087)
alg24: A narrow Friesland canal (P1030093)
alg24: Countryside canal (P1030095)
alg24: Dutch landscape (P1030097)
alg24: Plants at the water's edge (P1030100)
alg24: Mating damselflies in Friesland (00011)
alg24: There was bound to be a frog (P1030108)
alg24: Divided landscape (P1030110)
alg24: At the edge of a lake (P1030114)
alg24: Half-submerged reeds (P1030116)
alg24: Lakeside reeds (P1030118)
alg24: Tall trees in Friesland (P1030125)
alg24: Looking up at the trees (P1030127)
alg24: An ark in Leeuwarden (P1030131)