alg24: Eindhoven church (CIMG8152)
alg24: Great Pyramid, lit (CIMG8154)
alg24: Great Pyramid, unlit (CIMG8155)
alg24: Iceman (CIMG8156)
alg24: Past its best... (CIMG8167)
alg24: Step pyramid and monster (CIMG8169)
alg24: Ice monster (CIMG8171)
alg24: Icewoman (CIMG8176)
alg24: Step pyramid, lit (CIMG8182)
alg24: Ice guard (CIMG8187)
alg24: Ice head (CIMG8206)
alg24: Lit pillars of ice (CIMG8230)
alg24: Unlit ice pillars (CIMG8231)
alg24: Dutch waterfall (CIMG8243)
alg24: Mirror-smooth (CIMG8246)
alg24: The Van Abbemuseum in Eindhoven (CIMG8247)
alg24: Elephants! Graffiti in Eindhoven (CIMG8254)
alg24: Random street art, Eindhoven (CIMG8256)