Andrew Henwood: The Holly
Andrew Henwood: The Lauterbrünnen Valley ~ an impression.
Andrew Henwood: In the Niagara Greenhouses
Andrew Henwood: Winter Aconites
Andrew Henwood: 'Tiffany' roses
Andrew Henwood: The Perennial Garden in July
Andrew Henwood: Veronica officinalis
Andrew Henwood: View of Mount Fuji from Kingston Lacy.
Andrew Henwood: Mystery Squash Soup
Andrew Henwood: Merry Christmas!
Andrew Henwood: Amaryllis - a 'stretched' version.
Andrew Henwood: Amaryllis by the Parlour Fireplace
Andrew Henwood: Selina's house
Andrew Henwood: At Widcombe locks
Andrew Henwood: Looking down Union Street
Andrew Henwood: The Rose Garden in July
Andrew Henwood: People sketches, page 1
Andrew Henwood: The Cenotaph on Queen Street
Andrew Henwood: The Prince of Wales Hotel
Andrew Henwood: Fort Niagara
Andrew Henwood: Grey-headed Coneflower
Andrew Henwood: Cherries along the Niagara River
Andrew Henwood: Blue Flag
Andrew Henwood: The Purple-flowering Raspberry.
Andrew Henwood: Meadow Salsify
Andrew Henwood: Dame's Rocket
Andrew Henwood: White Columbine
Andrew Henwood: Upper Borough Walls
Andrew Henwood: Daffodils
Andrew Henwood: Sumac near Fort George