Andrew Henwood: DSCN1380 Common Milkweed
Andrew Henwood: DSCN1410 Chicory
Andrew Henwood: DSCN1475 Vetch
Andrew Henwood: DSCN1476 Yellow Bedstraw
Andrew Henwood: DSCN1477 Chicory
Andrew Henwood: DSCN1503 Lady's Bedstraw, foliage
Andrew Henwood: DSCN1504 Lady's Bedstraw, closeup
Andrew Henwood: DSCN1505 Lady's Bedstraw, in the Field
Andrew Henwood: DSCN1528 Common St. John's-Wort, Closeup
Andrew Henwood: DSCN1534 Common St. John's-Wort, in the Field
Andrew Henwood: DSCN1535 Common St. John's-Wort
Andrew Henwood: DSCN1761 Wild Bergamot, in the Field
Andrew Henwood: DSCN1767 Wild Bergamot, macro.
Andrew Henwood: DSCN1782 Viper's Bugloss, the Plant.
Andrew Henwood: DSCN1785 Viper's Bugloss, the Cluster
Andrew Henwood: DSCN1790 Bladder Campion
Andrew Henwood: DSCN1791 Bladder Campion, macro.
Andrew Henwood: DSCN1801 Double-flowered Soapwort, closeup.
Andrew Henwood: DSCN1802 Double-flowered Soapwort, bud detail
Andrew Henwood: DSCN1803 Double-flowered Soapwort.
Andrew Henwood: DSCN1811 Double-flowered Soapwort.
Andrew Henwood: DSCN1817 Wild Bergamot, closeup.
Andrew Henwood: DSCN1822cr Viper's Bugloss, macro
Andrew Henwood: DSCN1823 Viper's Bugloss
Andrew Henwood: DSCN1836cr Bladder Campion, in the Field
Andrew Henwood: DSCN1843 Double-flowered Soapwort, bud detail
Andrew Henwood: DSCN1851 Bug of the Week
Andrew Henwood: DSCN1856 Double-flowered Soapwort , bright pink variation.
Andrew Henwood: DSCN1892 Campanula americana
Andrew Henwood: DSCN1917cr Beach Pea by the Railway.