A380spotter: "Gate opens 06:45"
A380spotter: ..disused stands at what used to be Terminal 2.
A380spotter: ..the SN2104 LHR-BRU.
A380spotter: ..the LH1811 LHR-MXP.
A380spotter: ..why does Heathrow try so hard to take the joy out of flying?
A380spotter: Gate '47A'
A380spotter: ..the SA0234 JNB-LHR.
A380spotter: ..my night-stopping Lufty-bird.
A380spotter: [06:50] ..time to wake up!
A380spotter: ..the lounge at gate 47A.
A380spotter: [07:08] ..boarding commences.
A380spotter: [07:09] ..the view from '27A'.
A380spotter: A320: window, seat '27A'.
A380spotter: ..window detail.
A380spotter: [07:12] ..boarding.
A380spotter: A320: rear bulkhead.
A380spotter: ..the SA0236 JNB-LHR.
A380spotter: A320: lighting panels.
A380spotter: [07:34] ..taxi out to 27L.
A380spotter: [07:36] ..line-up on 27L.
A380spotter: [07:39] + 00' 02" ..climb out.
A380spotter: [07:39] + 00' 02" ..climb out.
A380spotter: [07:39] + 00' 02" ..climb out.
A380spotter: [07:39] + 00' 02" ..climb out.
A380spotter: [07:39] + 00' 02" ..climb out.
A380spotter: [07:40] + 00' 03" ..climb out.
A380spotter: [07:41] + 00' 04" ..cloud.
A380spotter: [07:50] + 00' 13" ..wing profile.
A380spotter: [07:58] + 00' 21" ..ex-breakfast.
A380spotter: [08:25] + 00' 48" ..seat detail.