*Capture the Moment* thx for over 50 mil views: Where is my Landing Spot - Explore # 19
*Capture the Moment* thx for over 50 mil views: In Front of Vatnajökull Glacier
*Capture the Moment* thx for over 50 mil views: Hiking in the Deserts of Hengifoss Area
*Capture the Moment* thx for over 50 mil views: Exploring the Spheres with golden Liquid - Explore # 7
*Capture the Moment* thx for over 50 mil views: Caught the golden Showers - Explore # 9
*Capture the Moment* thx for over 50 mil views: Let us take a Selfie at the Lighthouse
*Capture the Moment* thx for over 50 mil views: Look at the Way I glide - Explore # 12