*Capture the Moment*: Light in the Valley
*Capture the Moment*: Bubbling Atmosphere
*Capture the Moment*: Cloud gathering
*Capture the Moment*: Into the Picture
*Capture the Moment*: Swiss Scenery
*Capture the Moment*: Two in the Mirror
*Capture the Moment*: Lavender Paradise
*Capture the Moment*: My Eyes see everything
*Capture the Moment*: Let me play among the Stars
*Capture the Moment*: Diamonds of Nature
*Capture the Moment*: Hiking on a wonderful Day
*Capture the Moment*: On a misty Day
*Capture the Moment*: Floating Quietness
*Capture the Moment*: Overlooking mono
*Capture the Moment*: Ocean of Tranquility
*Capture the Moment*: Action Cam in Operation
*Capture the Moment*: Busy at Work
*Capture the Moment*: Shiny Greens
*Capture the Moment*: Overlooking the Cloud Ocean
*Capture the Moment*: Oh Joy make my Heart sing - Explore # 221