A1yson: Me and Buffy
A1yson: Buffy on the birdtable
A1yson: River meets a box
A1yson: Shore crab love-in
A1yson: Running River
A1yson: Common Lizard
A1yson: New horizons
A1yson: Mountain hare (lepus timidus) in winter
A1yson: Lord of the landscape
A1yson: Monarch of the molehills
A1yson: Grey squirrel at lunch
A1yson: Squirrelling
A1yson: Water vole swimming
A1yson: Water vole
A1yson: Brown hare
A1yson: Water's edge
A1yson: A golden moment
A1yson: Delicate as the down of a moth
A1yson: Basking lizard
A1yson: Contemplation
A1yson: Inquisitive
A1yson: Distracted
A1yson: Hypnotic
A1yson: Youth
A1yson: Dignity
A1yson: Slow-worm
A1yson: Late spring sun
A1yson: Fire salamander
A1yson: Hello world
A1yson: Innocence