christinayan01 (busy): Sunset and Yokohama Landmark Tower (横浜ランドマークタワー)
_haruhi: end of summer adventure / 夏の冒険、終わり。
christinayan01 (busy): Rubber Duck looks at super moon (ラバーダック)
christinayan01 (busy): Rising (昇る)
_haruhi: Berlin
_haruhi: Borussia Dortmund
toksuede: Borussia Dortmund v Wolfsburg
_haruhi: Big Ben with a Star
christinayan01 (busy): Sakura storm at Ohyokogawa River (大横川)
christinayan01 (busy): Goshikizakura-Ohashi Bridge (五色桜大橋と桜)
christinayan01 (busy): Yamate Tunnel (首都高中央環状線 山手トンネル)
christinayan01 (busy): Panda viewing bamboo (パンダ竹を見る)
_haruhi: a winter day
_haruhi: Litmus?
_haruhi: Land de Träume
_haruhi: 3rd
christinayan01 (busy): Misato City in the evening (三郷市景観)
toksuede: Galatasaray v Borussia Dortmund