AWelsh: 20080713_6798
AWelsh: 20080713_6799
AWelsh: 20080713_6801
AWelsh: 20080713_6802
AWelsh: 20080713_6803
AWelsh: 20080713_6804
AWelsh: Caleb on swing
AWelsh: Caleb on swing
AWelsh: Caleb on swing
AWelsh: Abbey
AWelsh: Prayer during Eucharist
AWelsh: Spider holding a bug
AWelsh: Caleb and his drink
AWelsh: Laura posing for the shot
AWelsh: Khahn shoots a picture of me shooting a picture of him shooting a picture of me
AWelsh: Abbey holds Evan
AWelsh: The Poconos
AWelsh: 20080713_6827
AWelsh: 20080713_6828
AWelsh: 20080713_6829
AWelsh: 20080713_6830
AWelsh: 20080713_6831
AWelsh: 20080713_6832
AWelsh: 20080713_6833
AWelsh: 20080713_6834
AWelsh: 20080713_6835
AWelsh: Gina and Kelly
AWelsh: Heather + Evan
AWelsh: Evan up close, yet not really
AWelsh: Khahn posing like a brochure model