Aaron ("Ronny") Rentz:
Spoonbill taking off
Aaron ("Ronny") Rentz:
Rosett Spoonbill
Aaron ("Ronny") Rentz:
Great Egret
Aaron ("Ronny") Rentz:
Ring-necked duck (M) (Aythya collaris)
Aaron ("Ronny") Rentz:
Greater yellowlegs: Tringa melanoleuca (non-breeding)
Aaron ("Ronny") Rentz:
Green heron
Aaron ("Ronny") Rentz:
Tree Nymph
Aaron ("Ronny") Rentz:
Aaron ("Ronny") Rentz:
Reddish Egret
Aaron ("Ronny") Rentz:
Northern Shovelers
Aaron ("Ronny") Rentz:
Healthy cheeks and gums
Aaron ("Ronny") Rentz:
Tri-colored heron
Aaron ("Ronny") Rentz:
A mess of birds
Aaron ("Ronny") Rentz:
White pelican
Aaron ("Ronny") Rentz:
White pelicans
Aaron ("Ronny") Rentz:
Mirrow image
Aaron ("Ronny") Rentz:
Birds on the Wing (American Avocets)
Aaron ("Ronny") Rentz:
Birds on the Water (American Avocets)
Aaron ("Ronny") Rentz:
Red-winged Blackbird (m)
Aaron ("Ronny") Rentz:
Wilson's Snipe Hiding (Always)
Aaron ("Ronny") Rentz:
Black-crowned Night Heron
Aaron ("Ronny") Rentz:
Tri-colored Heron
Aaron ("Ronny") Rentz:
Little Blue Heron
Aaron ("Ronny") Rentz:
Boat-tailed Grackle
Aaron ("Ronny") Rentz:
Zebra Longwing (Heliconius charitonius)
Aaron ("Ronny") Rentz:
Exotic Butterfly
Aaron ("Ronny") Rentz:
Exotic Butterfly
Aaron ("Ronny") Rentz:
Exotic Butterfly
Aaron ("Ronny") Rentz:
Exotic Butterfly
Aaron ("Ronny") Rentz:
Monarch Butterfly