Annie-Sue Jyelra: Roman candle
Annie-Sue Jyelra: Roman candle
Annie-Sue Jyelra: Roman candle
Annie-Sue Jyelra: Sparklers
Annie-Sue Jyelra: Roman candle
Annie-Sue Jyelra: Catherine wheel
Annie-Sue Jyelra: without this could have missed all the best shots
Annie-Sue Jyelra: mushrooms
Annie-Sue Jyelra: fallow buck with antlers
Annie-Sue Jyelra: fallow deer
Annie-Sue Jyelra: hear the clatter of his antlers through the undergrowth
Annie-Sue Jyelra: king of the castle
Annie-Sue Jyelra: high on a hill
Annie-Sue Jyelra: crab apples
Annie-Sue Jyelra: 7 - 18 Nov. '13 (28)
Annie-Sue Jyelra: In the Autumn sun
Annie-Sue Jyelra: trit trot across the path
Annie-Sue Jyelra: mallard duck
Annie-Sue Jyelra: female tufted duck
Annie-Sue Jyelra: white duck
Annie-Sue Jyelra: Monster High