kenkantor: Half right and all wrong.
kenkantor: Desire only comes in red.
kenkantor: Nature Girl.
kenkantor: Just going throught the motions.
kenkantor: At the end of world, does morality exist?
kenkantor: If only I knew then what I know now.
kenkantor: A simpler time, a simpler place.
kenkantor: We've been to the moon and what did it get us?
kenkantor: Give 'em an inch, they'll take your foot.
kenkantor: Shopping cart ranch.
kenkantor: NY Hearts Dallas BBQ
kenkantor: Danish engineering lab, Videbaek facility.
kenkantor: Better red than dead.
kenkantor: They'll learn, we all do.
kenkantor: But I haven't got the time time.
kenkantor: Quantum.
kenkantor: I still see your face everywhere.
kenkantor: So they say.
kenkantor: The theme is jack.
kenkantor: Peace.