kenkantor: Still, we were pretty sure it was the right address.
kenkantor: Impersonal demons.
kenkantor: Nesting instinct.
kenkantor: Good seeing.
kenkantor: The sight was impressive, but nothing he hadn't seen before.
kenkantor: Waiting for something to happen.
kenkantor: Tigers vs. Lions.
kenkantor: Sailor's Delight.
kenkantor: What if the fate of a nation rested on your ability to focus?
kenkantor: Cross process.
kenkantor: I suppose things aren't that bad after all.
kenkantor: It's the answer, my friend.
kenkantor: Oh them.
kenkantor: My place.
kenkantor: Rush hour on Surrealist Bridge.
kenkantor: Singularity.
kenkantor: Paintshop.