A Labour of Love: Mouthy Stitches Pouch Swap Inspiration -
A Labour of Love: Mouthy Stitches Idea - Wellies on Green
A Labour of Love: Mouthy Stitches - Auditioning fabrics
A Labour of Love: Mouthy Stitches B-side
A Labour of Love: Wellies for Mouthy Stitches Swap
A Labour of Love: Scrap Selection for Mouthy Stitches
A Labour of Love: "W is for Wellies" Zippered Pouch - Side 1
A Labour of Love: "W is for Wellies" Zippered Pouch - Side 2
A Labour of Love: Interior and Pocket
A Labour of Love: Improv Notecard
A Labour of Love: I couldn't wait, drive about 10 meters and pulled over to rip the envelope open. I love it, the colours are so me!! Thanks Annabella xx
A Labour of Love: Goody - a package from Morrocco! It can only be from one person... :-)
A Labour of Love: Care Circle do.Good Stitches Swap
A Labour of Love: Care Circle do.Good Stitches Swap
A Labour of Love: Care Circle do.Good Stitches Swap
A Labour of Love: Care Circle do.Good Stitches Swap
A Labour of Love: Jane Market Bag - Care Circle Swap
A Labour of Love: Care Circle do.Good Stitches Swap
A Labour of Love: Jane Market Bag - Care Circle Swap
A Labour of Love: Care circle swap sneak peak side a
A Labour of Love: Care circle swap sneak peak side b
A Labour of Love: Fabric Suggestion for Partner Swap (Care @ do.Good Stitches)
A Labour of Love: Care do.Good Stitches Swap Inspiration