Bingeye: smile^___^開心
Bingeye: 蜥牛;-))
Bingeye: Mama?媽咪在哪裡?
Bingeye: 王者之魚-象魚Arapaima Pirarucu-2
Bingeye: 01215
Bingeye: 王者之魚-象魚Arapaima Pirarucu
Bingeye: 夜鷺-night egret
Bingeye: What are you looking at?
Bingeye: 0922-02
Bingeye: 013
Bingeye: bee
Bingeye: 注意Attention!! Bingeye has coming!!
Bingeye: 關門!放狗..Close! Puts the dog.^^
Bingeye: 穩住..千萬別看鏡頭!!Hold on!!Don't look at the camera!!
Bingeye: 懶得理他...
Bingeye: 全面戒備Attention!!
Bingeye: 我NG了嗎?Am I NG?
Bingeye: 還有飯粒嗎...face has the food?
Bingeye: 放輕鬆....Puts with ease…
Bingeye: Who let the dog out^_^
Bingeye: 把Bingeye綁來見我!!
Bingeye: 農莊主人grange master
Bingeye: Sorry! I am late!-"白白胖胖"
Bingeye: 靠近一點
Bingeye: 再靠近一點
Bingeye: 恐怖喔!Bingeye又來啦!
Bingeye: 快閃!!!
Bingeye: 噓~店店...林北咧等魚^^"...
Bingeye: 剛洗度喔^o^..
Bingeye: 緊甲...Bingeye要來搶^^"...