lilly_ara: Dempster!!
lilly_ara: oh no!!!
lilly_ara: drunk lol
lilly_ara: sleepy
lilly_ara: another drunk group shot
lilly_ara: smiles
lilly_ara: giggles
lilly_ara: drunken group shot
lilly_ara: heehee
lilly_ara: 'the drink should only be to here...'
lilly_ara: FOOD!!!
lilly_ara: our bartender
lilly_ara: alcohol
lilly_ara: more fire
lilly_ara: pregnant?? lol
lilly_ara: close up of the fire
lilly_ara: close up of fire
lilly_ara: fire
lilly_ara: group shot
lilly_ara: fire
lilly_ara: fire
lilly_ara: fire
lilly_ara: police stuck in the ditch
lilly_ara: Janet the elf
lilly_ara: our float
lilly_ara: our float
lilly_ara: the line up
lilly_ara: gingerbread house
lilly_ara: christmas tree
lilly_ara: gingerbread house