Woooohoooo, got it!!!
Playing with my guitar (back)
Playing with my guitar
Time for drying
Preparing a New exibition
The scarecrow day at echinghen
Varnishing on my balcony
Iphone level up!
I'm on my comics way, better late than never! :)
On my comics way 2
On my comics way 3
Hey hey! Got it! Thanks amazon! :D
On my comics way 4
@navavo trés bon boulot monsieur!
J'ai craqué! :)
Best wolverine's comic i've ever read!
Graff i like! :)
Second best comics about wolverine!
That was a good day!
Comics : Banner by Azzarello and Corben, just awesome!
Superman for all seasons : great, great and great!
Superman kryptonite, cooke and sale, another great story about weakness that makes superman a man!
Rape, dementia, parallel world and fantasy, welcome to the universe of The Maxx by Sam kieth!
Aaahhhhh comment ça fait plaisir!! Depuis le temps que je la voulais!
Shirt - snatch mickey WIP 2
Shirt - snatch mickey FINISH
The tree is watching...
Time to enjoy painting on ipad with the Bamboo Stylus!