_Spoutnik: Pailin province lake
_Spoutnik: Pailin province lake
_Spoutnik: Pailin province lake
_Spoutnik: GreenRedRoad
_Spoutnik: The little girl with the pen
_Spoutnik: Pink smile from Battambang province
_Spoutnik: Spiderman and Winnie the pooh are going to school
_Spoutnik: Spiderman and Winnie the pooh are going to school
_Spoutnik: Back side of Phnom Penh market
_Spoutnik: On the Phnom Penh pavement
_Spoutnik: Rehearsal
_Spoutnik: The little blue girl with a can
_Spoutnik: ears and smiles
_Spoutnik: 8h02
_Spoutnik: Bienvenue dehors
_Spoutnik: Daltons from Battambang
_Spoutnik: Have a break
_Spoutnik: This is MY daughter
_Spoutnik: This is MY son
_Spoutnik: Lozenge Grand'ma
_Spoutnik: Welcome to our house
_Spoutnik: Battambang Bang!
_Spoutnik: BattamBallad
_Spoutnik: This is my sister
_Spoutnik: Welcome to my cabin
_Spoutnik: Croisement de regards
_Spoutnik: Le grand retour de l'homme au Krama Rouge
_Spoutnik: Bambou train people
_Spoutnik: Du bon port du Krama, leçon 2